Everyone has their own story of how lockdown changed their lives. When lockdown came into effect on March 23, Clare had just passed her 20th week of pregnancy. This meant for the remaining 21 weeks of carrying Adrija, she did so in the comfort of our own home with me to support her all throughout her journey. We got into a rhythm of eating lunch in the summer sun on our small terrace, going for afternoon walks around Chiswick, doing yoga at home and trying to decipher as much as we could about pregnancy and childbirth through books (“What to expect when you’re expecting”) and virtual hypnobirthing sessions! Furthermore, being forced to cancel all our holiday plans for the year meant we were able to succeed in saving for the purchase of our first home as well as all the predicted expenses we would incur on Adrija’s first year. We both kept our jobs (while the UK unemployment rate doubled in 2020) and we both stayed in good health. So by all accounts, we were showered with good fortune and blessings.
Some memorable moments of Lockdown (1.0 & 2.0) in 2020:
6 days after Clare’s 20th week (March 17), we officially went into lockdown. While others hoarded toilet paper, I ordered a few kilos of my favourite coffee beans … and stocked up on wine! The streets of London were empty as everyone stayed at home. It was a fine Summer and we enjoyed our lunches basking in the sun when we could! If you’re going to be locked at home, might as well enjoy yourself! Lockdown enabled me to become a member of the prestigious 67pallmall, which allowed me to try fantastic wines while learning from Masters of Wine. Easter came and we had our own easter egg hunt at home. and had an easter bunch with with our families! Meanwhile, Clare was getting bigger and bigger! Come early July, Clare had a socially distant baby shower! and a few days later, I bought my very first car (“The Falcon”) to equip me for fatherhood. July 27 – we had our one year anniversary On Aug 4, I took my DVSA theory test and got full marks! 6 months later, I’m still waiting for my practical test! Our last romantic dinner before Adrija was born Aug 10 2020 – Welcome to the world Adrija! She was born with a little scar on her forehead, at which I pointed to the doctor and said that she was the Chosen One. After all the drama of her birth, mother and child are both well and happy! After 5 days, it was time for us to say goodbye to Queen Charlotte and Chelsea Hospital First night at home: she was barely bigger than my hand! At 7 days we took her to our favourite healthy stop: Wild Bunch! After 2 weeks we started taking her out more. So we took her to her first musical…. … took her to visit Clare’s grandad! And introduced her to her Tita And Tito! Family trip to see the sunflowers! In no time, Adrija turned 1! So i thought it was high time she started learning sheet music and Clare thought she was ready for a trip to an Animal Park Every day Clare saw an opportunity to dress Adrija in something new We completed our flat purchase! HOORAY! And on Nov 6, we moved into our new home in Godalming 10 Days later, I turned 40!